Sunday 2 August 2015

Review & Swatches: Rimmel Nude Lipsticks by Kate Moss

Follow my blog with BloglovinThe latest drug store beauty buzz is all about Rimmel Nude by Kate. The whole collection contains 5 different shades of nude lipsticks and nail polishes. So no matter what skin tone you are, there's a perfect match for you.
最近英国的开架美妆品最热门的就属Rimmel和Kate Moss合作的裸色系列了。整个系列包含了5种不同色系的裸色唇膏和甲油。为的就是让各种肤色的女人都能找到一款完美的裸色。

The nail polishes didn't quite catch my eye,  and the lipsticks were almost out of stock by the time I got there, so I only managed to pick up 2 shades which were 42 and 48, I also picked up another Rimmel lipstick from a different collection, same package design just different colour, 077 Asia. 
这个系列的甲油没有能抓住我眼球的,我去boots的时候几乎所有唇膏都卖空了,最后只选了42,48这两个相对满意的色号,顺便还抓了一只以前的旧款,外壳设计一样,颜色不同的一只,色号077 Asia.

top to bottom: 48-42-077Asia

42 is a pale nude with a hint of pink, suits light-medium cool complexion. 48 is a deep plum browny nude, supposed to be the perfect nude for deep complexion, Asia is a perfect balance of these 2 above, a nude with a hint of plum, a hint of brown, a perfect nude for medium-dark complexion. 

Despite the fact that they are not from the same collection, their formulas are almost the same, creamy, easy to apply, same sweet fruity scent. Here comes the but, if your lips are dry or patchy, perhaps don't try the Nude Collection, they'll exaggerate and worsen your lip condition. I used 48 on the day I got it while I was out shopping, within 2 hours, my lips got so dry they started to hurt, by the time I got home, my lower lip had cracked and bled, was not a pleasant memory. Since then, I have tried each of them, and each time ended up with dry painful lips. As much as I love the shades, I'll have to put them away, for the sake of my lips.  

Let me know if you have the same experience. 
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