Sunday 14 June 2015

Chanel Rouge CoCo 434 Mademoiselle, MAC Mehr, Charlotte Tilbury Bond Girl

Last week I talked about the dusty rose lipliner, now it's time to talk about similar lipsticks.

As you can see from the photos, they are extremely similar. Chanel new Rouge coco's formula is amazing, moisturising, opaque and long lasting. If I don't eat or drink much, I can get at least 4 hours' wear. It conceals any dry patches on your lips, and can instantly relief the uncomfortable dry feeling. 434 Mademoiselle is a light browny rose shade with a hint of shimmer, however the shimmer is so fine that doesn't show at all, the texture is very creamy and goes on like a dream, doesn't drag the lip at all, it leaves a very beautiful sheen on lips. It is my recent favourite!
MAC Mehr is a blue toned dusty pink, matte finish, it lasts much longer than Chanel, but also much more drying, and it will highlight any dry patches on your lips. I don't reach for this one very often. 
Charlotte Tilbury Bond Girl is a muted browny berry pink, appears more brown than the other 2, creamy texture, matte finish with a hint of luminous shine through. This one was my absolute winter favourite. 
从图片就能看出这三支唇膏就像是三胞胎姐妹,傻傻分不清楚。Chanel新的Rouge coco系列质地甩老款几十条街了,滋润,显色还持久。比shine系列持久多了,如果我不怎么吃喝的话,能轻轻松松持4小时。嘴唇爱起干皮的,干的紧绷绷的妹纸也完全没有压力,神奇般的能隐形并舒缓唇部状况,还有什么原因不爱它呢?
434 法语翻译过来:小姐,年轻女郎的意思,玫瑰粉色中带一点棕色基调,膏体中能看到亮晶晶的闪粉,但是上唇后完全看不到也感觉不到亮片,质地很润很好涂抹,完全不拉扯唇部肌肤,来回一遍能轻松遮盖唇色,泛出柔和的光泽感,最近的最爱!
MAC Mehr 是冷调的旧玫瑰色,哑光质地,比Chanel持久,但是相对的也就干很多,如果唇部状况不完美的还是尽量避免,凸显任何小瑕疵。美则美矣,但是就是太干!
Charlotte tilbury Bond Girl 颜色蛮难形容的,偏棕色的姨妈色,浆果色和棕色最好的完美平衡,气场强大,小年轻不太能撑住,大多肤色都适合,秋冬最爱,没有之一!

Under sunlight 

indoor, next to window



Sunday 7 June 2015


I'm not a lipliner fan, I always think they are too dry, my first lipliner is Burberry No.03 SEPIA, and now MAC SOAR. 

I was never a big MAC fan, as I find their lipsticks are too dry, but this time, they really rocked my world, MAC lipliner is way creamier than BURBERRY's. It truly glides on effortlessly, and doesn't dry out my lips throughout the day, I'm in love with this formula!!

They both look extremely similar, with or without swatch. However, SEPIA has a slight shimmer in it, whereas SOAR is completely matte. SEPIA is a true dusty rose shade with a bit of shimmer, suits all skin tones. SOAR is more of a browny dusty rose shade, suits light-medium, or medium-dark skin tones best!

我本身并非是个唇线笔的迷,一想到唇线笔我就觉得嘴巴发干,第一支入手的是BURBERRY的03号SEPIA, 然后是上个月刚入手的MAC SOAR。

我从来就不是MAC家的粉丝,对她家的印象就是干到裂嘴的唇膏质地, 但是这次着实是让我狠狠的震惊了一下,唇线笔的质地简直就是奶油质地好嘛!甩BURBERRY几条街了!超级好上色,顺滑的简直了!立马一见钟情的爱上了这个质地!

两支颜色都是极其相似的,不管是就这么看看,还是手臂试色。但是,SEPIA涂出来是含有亮片的,但是抿嘴啊啥的完全感觉不到亮片的存在,也看不太出。SOAR就是老老实实的哑光质地。SEPIA是真正的暗玫瑰色,多一分少一分都不行,不挑肤色,不挑年龄,很显气质。 SOAR比前者要偏暗,更成熟老练一些,肤色白皙的反倒不适合,适合中等肤色(如我),绝对的抚媚成熟,小年轻也不适合,否则反而显得老气没精神。


In sunlight next to window 

Left: MAC SOAR  Right: BURBERRY SEPIAYou can see the shimmer in SEPIA in sunlight 

Indoor lighting, you can see SOAR appears more brown, SEPIA appears more red 

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